The Community’s Choice for Emergency Care


If you need emergency care for something as simple as stitches or as serious as a heart attack, you’ll find highly trained staff and a multitude of medical specialists at the Tucson Medical Center Emergency Department (ED). There are other options for emergency care in Southern Arizona, but TMC is the largest and the busiest. 

That’s why TMC prioritized expanding the ED with a $32 million renovation. TMC is adding 29 beds to further accommodate the ever-increasing demand of Tucson-area patients who want to be seen by our skilled physicians, nurses and staff. 

A trip to the ED is always unplanned. In some cases, it may even be a matter of life and death. It’s important during these stressful times to be met with exceptional care from highly trained clinical staff and support teams, from working toward a diagnosis to determining the most effective treatment.

TMC’s Emergency Department

With a population of more than one million people and growing, Southern Arizona expects the care and expertise of big-city hospitals but with the attentive, personal care TMC has been known for since it opened as a community hospital 80 years ago. 

In 2023, the combined adult and pediatric emergency departments treated 83,711 patients. 

Additionally, TMC’s ED provides a critical lifeline to patients needing rapid transport to a higher level of care. The ED works with rural emergency departments and emergency transport to get patients the care they need as urgently as possible.

Vision for the Future 

Providing emergency care in the original space of the ED built in 1990 became extremely difficult, and staff and physician retention became more challenging.  TMC made the most of the space, adding beds in hallways and stretching existing resources, but significant changes were inevitable to prepare for the future.

TMC Health initiated the renovation project to better serve the community with the goal of increasing bed capacity, enhancing efficiency and improving physician and staff retention. This expansion will prepare TMC to meet the community demand for emergency services and allow for the continuation of the highest level of care.